Did you leave church yesterday on fire for Christ? Were you uplifted, encouraged, empowered with Christ's love so much that you wanted to shout it from the rooftops? I love the praise and worship portion of church. I love to sing my heart out to God. To praise His name and proclaim my love for Him through songs. Songs that speak of my personal relationship with Him. Songs that make my heart ache for Him and songs that pierce me through and through. This is what I crave. I want God to hear the whole church singing with all their heart, soul, and breath. I want us to bring the house down. I want us to be on fire for Christ. Sadly, I don't have that fire anymore. I don't sing like that anymore. Maybe it's the song choice. Maybe it's the atmosphere that is so different. But that fire. It's not there. It's not even close to being there. And I don't like that. I don't feel the energy, the love, the soul-shaking singing. And I know it's not for me to benefit from. But look at the flipside. Is God satisfied with the ho-hum singing we are presenting Him? The songs that lack emotion? Energy? The songs that sound more mournful and sad then love and praise? I know every person is different in how they worship: some benefit more from the singing, some from the lesson, some from just the fellowship of being there with fellow Christians. But my biggest concern right now is the atmosphere and the attitude we bring to Christ on Sunday. I want every Sunday to be one where I leave with my heart full of love and encouragement with a big ol' smile on my face because I know that I gave my all to God that day by singing songs that are personal and uplifting and full of life and a lesson that I can take with me all week long. If that is not how you feel leaving the building, something needs to change.
"We Will Worship The Lamb of Glory"
"With our hands lifted high to the sky
And the world wonders why
We'll just tell them we're loving our King".