Wednesday, October 27, 2010


post is fall and I am just now receiving internet service through an actual computer..and not my phone. Therefore, I am able to (hopefully) update this at least weekly. You're welcome.

So...things have been good, then really good, then bad. Who knows. That's how life works I suppose. I keep trying to tell myself that I am blessed and I should be on cloud 9 that I have a hard working husband, two beautiful healthy children and that I am able to stay at home with them and play with them, teach them, watch them grow. Life should be good. Life should be all I want. But I want more. I want the best of both worlds. To be near my family in michigan and ohio. To still have my texas friends. To have a best friend that I can call up anytime of day or night and know it will be okay. To just hang out and not worry how clean or unclean my home is.

Okay, this post is rambling and my thoughts are all over the place. My apologies. Its been awhile since I have sat down to type. I think my brain is thinking of too many things, too many memories, too many wants and needs and dreams. Too many everything.

Well...Hannah started preschool this week. Only two days a week, three hours a day..but it breaks my heart. I know that next year she will be gone five days a week..long hours...not ready for that baby girl to be "leaving the nest" quite so soon. So I am preparing myself with baby steps. Preschool. I know she loves, not so much. I feel as though they are doing MY jog...but she does need the structure of a working classroom. Its all good I suppose. Kylie and I are going to start practicing her name, colors, shapes, etc. It will be good to do one on one time with my lil baby girl.

So.........not much going on. Had a wonderful visit in Michigan. Hoping for some changes to happen within the next couple of years. Only God knows our plans and our dreams. I pray that I follow His plans and not my own. Good thing God's answers are bigger and better than our prayers.

1 notes:

Bethany said...

Yay! I love that you are back at it. I'm sorry life has been such a roller coaster for you. You are such a strong woman, I know you can make it!