It has been a while between posts and I want to reassure you I have TONS to report, talk about, gossip, rattle on. You get the idea. HOWEVER, my camera cord is not working properly so I am w/o pictures........bummer! IDK what is up with it, but I am sure to get it working or I'll be buying a new one.....cord that is! I wish I could afford a better camera......this one keeps falling apart on me and its so frustrating because it is my passion to photograph my sad.
But anyhoo, here is a little bit of what is going on with us........with no pics. Again, terribly sorry and sad that I cannot share my beautiful babes with ya'll.
Well, God has really been testing my faith this month. Some things have happened that have put my own judgement to a test. I am so thankful for the friends God has blessed me with in that I was able to go to them and feel comfortable talking to them about what has been going on. I fully know and understand that God is working in me and through my friends and has once again confirmed that I am in the right place in my life and that I will indeed come across stumbling blocks that will test my integrity and my faith but through it all I have leaned on Christ and have searched my own heart and the scriptures to find the answers. I have been very thankful that God has given me the knowledge to know when things are not "quite right", when "blurring the lines" between what WE want, what we think is RIGHT to what really MATTERS and what GOD himself wants from us has really gotten me thinking this month. To all that, I am thankful and continue to learn and grow each day.
As for the girlies, well, they are getting cuter and wiser, and funnier, and cuter (yes...I know, I know). But its all true! I love them and I love the way they give multiple hugs to each other throughout the day, even when Hannah tries to put Kylie into timeout they still hug it out!! They are such sweet, compassionate little girls.......when they want to be. We are still working on listening and behaving and manners and being gentle.........oh, wait...that will never end!! heehee Hannah is so full of information these days and it just amazes me. Her new favorite thing is snuggling with her Daddy while the two of them watch "How Its Made". Yes, yes, they are both true dorks! heehee And Kylie's new thing is to give kisses and HUGE hugs to me!!!! She will come running across the room and just wrap her little arms tightly around me. Best Feeling in the Whole World!!!!!!!!
Well, thats about all that is new with us. My cousin Eric came and had dinner with us! Loved it!!! We haven't seen him in about 3 years and it was so good to see him all grown up (the military was good to him) and just hearing his plans for his life and I can't wait until his wife Rachel and him move down to OK so we can get together more often. I am truly a "Family" girl. My Mom comes in this Friday and I am beyond excited!!!!!!!! And then after that Autumn comes in and off to Sea World we go! Super, duper excited. Fun plans for this summer already starting.
Hopefully my camera starts behaving and I will be able to post pics of our wonderful vacations!!!!
Alphabet Egg Hunt
6 days ago