Hey Ya'll (Or Hey To Just Me...If Noone Else Reads, Thats Cool)!
Its been awhile since I last blogged. ALOT has happened. Greater Marriage, Greater Relationship With God, Greater At Doing Laundry (hey, its the little things, right?)....And New Baby On The Way!! Whoo Hoo!! As of now Baby Girl Has No Definite Name. Fun, huh!! One Day We Think She Will Be Named Something, The Next Day It Gets Changed. It Will Be A Surprise For Us Too! Ha! Ha!
Hannah just finsihed up a fantastic season of TBall...I was pretty amazed at my somewhat klutzy princess who got down and dirty out on the field. And amazed at my track star who stumbled/tiptoed her way around the bases during the games. Practice Nights? She tore up the bases....She gets "nervous" during the games she tells us! Too Funny! Kylie is going to be starting dance sometime this summer....we think. She has shown interet and wants to try it. I will keep ya updated!
Nothing else going on here. Just trying to keep my iron up along with my platelets with this pregnancy. And trying to muster up enough energy to enjoy playing with my kiddos. Whew...these days I get zapped doing the smallest things....perhaps I should give up houecleaning so I can enjoy my kids more? Hmm.........Until later!!
My days are filled with changing diapers, wiping faces, kissing boo-boos, snuggling, reading books over and over, preparing yummy food, filling milk cups, sweeping floors, and giving my kiddos piggy back rides. How did I ever get so lucky to get this gig?
Danny is my hardworking, sweet husband! He is a true Family Man and I love that he loves me just the way I am! He is always supportive and fun to be around. We have many adventures together and I am happy to "grow old with you"!!!
Hannah is our Big 5 year old Kindergardner!! She is full of energy and spunk and can be often seen in a princess gown with matching glass slippers. She loves to color and might have a real future in fashion design one day.
Kylie is our 4 year old big girl. This girl is full of surprises and is always giving us a run for our money! She loves to dress up with her big sis but also loves to dance, twirl, and whirl. You can often find her carrying around one of her many stuffed animals and smothering it with love. We suspect she might have a future in caring for animals or be the next "star" on Dancing With The Stars!
♥ DREW ♥
Drew is our *huge* surprise!! He was suppose to be an "Emma" but came out a Boy!! We couldn't be happier to embrace this sweet little baby boy and can't wait to watch him grow into a rough and tumble little guy. My cup runneth over.