Well, a lot has happened since I last wrote. Who has the time?? We did move to Michigan. It just seemed like God was wanting us back here to do HIS work so I am pulling on my big girl pants and getting myself uncomfortable. Why uncomfortable? Because I need to stop having other people spread the good news for myself and start doing it myself. For others. For Him. I believe with all my heart and soul that God led us to Texas for many, many reasons. And I won't bore you with all the reasons but I will share with you a couple. First off, to help Danny achieve his dream of being a Police Officer and helping those who need him the most. Second off, to give Danny and I the strength, the faith, the love we need to spread to others. I know we grew by miles spiritually and it was a great blessing to be a part of the CrossPoint Family. They were truly our mentors and our family. They have so much love to give and we learned a lot about God through them. So thank you CrossPoint!
So, here we are back in Michigan and I won't lie. I hated it at first. I wanted to still be in Texas. Still live that adventure. Enjoy that weather. That warm, warm weather. But I must admit: it is soo good to be back. I didn't realize how much I missed this old place. The people, the community, the beauty this town has to offer. It would be hard to leave now. Craziness. Did I just write that?? Wow. I really do love this small town. And I have joined MOPS where I am getting to know new Moms, making new friends, rekindling old friendships. I have high hopes.
Hannah started ballet and she is doing great in it. It is a mix of returning students and new students so my little perfectionist gets upset and frustrated when she is not as graceful as the older students. Oh boy. How do I break it to her that she never has been that graceful? Hehee Kylie starts preschool (finally!) Monday. She is excited but in true Kylie fashion, thinks I am staying with her. Whoops. Did I not tell her that Mommy goes home without her? Tomorrow will be interesting.
I am babysitting for my good friend while she subs at Hannah's school. An almost two year old and a four year old. Never a dull moment around here!
Well, I have rambled long enough. Life is good. Getting better every day. The leaves are breathing taking and I am excited for a photo shoot out in the woods. We had frost today. The girls thought the grass was sparkly. I don't share their enthusiasm. Guess I better buy a winter coat!
Alphabet Egg Hunt
6 days ago
1 notes:
You are strong and faithful. Thanks for taking a moment to write. I still read. :)
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