I use to be a great runner. I ran track and cross country in high school and college. I even received medals. Which I proudly put on display via my leather letterman's jacket. Yes, I was that awesome. Nowadays? Me and running don't really go hand-in-hand like we use to. But I am going to change that. Thanks to my sister-in-law Autumn who has lit a fire under my booty! The girl despises running. But she has challenged herself to give it a try. And she is doing great. I couldn't be prouder of my little sis! heehee So now I have to show her who's the boss when it comes to running. And hopefully that will be me! JK But seriously I do feel like I need to get back into it. I am really looking forward to two different marathons coming up in October. I plan to walk the one 5K with my one friend who will be 37 weeks pregnant~~heck, if she can walk it than I can too. And then I plan to run a 5K after that. Its called the Autumn Equinox.....I love that name!! I hope Texas delivers a beautiful autumn day that day! So wish me luck! Tonight I hit the high school track....my stomach is already doing flips just thinking about it. I have so many memories associated with a track that it will be exciting to see if I can even run one lap around! I am sure Hannah will help me if I need it. She is always up for a game of Monsters and Princesses!!!
So cheers!! I am drinking my last Mt. Dew for a very long time. Here on out its crystal light and pasta!!! Which doesn't sound that bad after all..........
Alphabet Egg Hunt
6 days ago
1 notes:
I love that you used Autumn 3 times in that post!
Thank you for all your support with running, you're a great teacher!
I'm off for a 4 mile...wish me luck.
Love you
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